Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Blue Line News

WATCH: Rioters Throw Bricks At Police In Pennsylvania After Minority Man Shot For Charging Cop With Knife

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Rioters, whom some journalists identified as Antifa and Black Lives Matter supporters, attacked a police station in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Sunday night and threw bricks at police officers.

The attack happened after a Lancaster police officer shot a man, identified by police as Ricardo Munoz, 27, who charged at him with a knife earlier in the day.

The Lancaster Police Department said that a group of more than 100 individuals refused to leave the area after an unlawful assembly had been declared.

“The group failed to follow the instructions and chemical agents were used to disperse the crowd,” the department said in a statement. “Members of the crowd damaged a county vehicle parked in the front of the police station. Bricks were thrown through the front of the police station and into the post office window.”

“People on the ramp, W. Chestnut St. and the park adjacent to the station threw water bottles, glass bottles, rocks, bricks, gallon jugs of liquids and parts of plastic road barricades at Officers,” the statement continued. “OC spray was also deployed at protestors that refused to move from the ramp and were physically challenging Officers that were moving to clear people from the ramp. As of time of this release, protestors are still gathered outside the station and have thrown traffic barricades, large planters and trash receptacles across the ramp. Protestors have also damaged a County of Lancaster vehicle parked on W. Chestnut St.”

Journalists Drew Hernandez and Elijah Schaffer posted videos to social media that showed the rioters attacking the police station and the police officers.

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